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Motor Trade
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New Zealand fastSalvage Auction (1)
fastSalvage eBid Auction (20)
fastSalvage Lux - European & Specialty Vehicles (4)
fastSalvage Dubai Special Auction (1)
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How do we get our company cars valued?
If you need a market-based valuation of your car then fell free to call one of our experts. We are open on weekdays between 8am - 5pm. Please call our customer center on + 61 3 9020 0820
Related questions
How much does it cost to sell our company car?
How do we get our company cars valued?
How quickly will our company cars get sold?
Can we set our own reserve price?
Is our registration legally binding?
This is our first visit to this site - what do we have to do?
Is it completely free to get a company car valuation?
What happens if our company car does not reach the reserve price?
Do we have to sell a company car when we create a user account?
Is it difficult to describe the condition of a company car?
How do we get the best price for our company car?
What is the best method of setting a reserve price?
What advantages do we gain from logging in?
What information are we required to provide about the car?
How do we create an accurate car description?
What types of company vehicles can we sell?
Is it free to create a user account for a company?
Why should we sell our company car now?
Is there an alternative if we do not have time to complete our car description?
Why is it important that we describe the car accurately?
Where can we get help with describing our company car?
We cannot fill out our car description, what should we do?
Weekdays 8am - 5pm | Telephone:
+ 61 3 9020 0820