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Motor Trade
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Current auctions
fastSalvage Special Auction - Flood Vehicles (2)
fastSalvage eBid Auction (6)
fastSalvage Lux - European & Specialty Vehicles (3)
fastSalvage Dubai Special Auction (1)
Trucks, Buses, Caravans, Boats & Machinery - Fastsalvage (1)
Sell at the car auction
Buy at the car auction
About the car auction
What is the maximum age of a vehicle sold at auction?
Vehicles registered no earlier than 1990. All vehicles have to have been complied later than 1990. Vehicles that are not registered need to have been manufactured within the same time period.
Related questions
How do I register a car?
What does it cost to sell a car?
What happens once the auction is closed?
Can I set my own reserve price?
Can I cancel registration of my car in the auction?
How quickly will the car get sold?
How do I know whether the car has been sold?
Can I sell cars for customers?
What is the maximum age of a vehicle sold at auction?
What are my responsibilities when I sell a car?
Can I sell the car to another party?
What are the advantages of selling cars at an auction?
How do I have to deliver the car?
How do I receive payment for the car?
How do I become an approved dealer?
Can reject a registered car?
Why is it advantageous to submit pictures of the car?
How easy is it to register a car?
What information do I have to provide about the car?
Why is it important that I describe the car thoroughly?
Can I be sure of getting the highest market price?
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